From Grain to Glass All on the Same Field

To bring you spirits that are truly one of a kind, we started to reclaim our historic farm several years ago.  Field prep led to seeding our first crop of soft white winter wheat.

When Iron Fish Distillery opens this spring, we are looking forward to showing you around Michigan’s first dedicated farm-based distillery focused solely on artisanal production of distilled spirits. While we will always carefully source grain from other farmers, and our initial runs of spirit will entirely come from external grain and distilled spirit sources, in July, we will have our first harvest of soft white winter wheat. We are striving for grain high in sugars, and low in protein. (Just opposite of the feedstock that was once grown on this property!)

Fingers crossed. We could not be more pleased with how well our winter wheat crop is coming in (shot taken late September 2015) and excited to harvest the grain next summer for our initial production of our estate release spirits.


you look so young!

are you over 21?